Holy Rosary provides opportunities for children, youth and adults to know, love and serve God
while we're on our faith community's pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven as we each grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Together we seek "to demonstrate our love of God by our love to neighbor, especially the poor, the sick, the stranger."
(Our Mission Statement)
We invite you to find your place among our parish through which you find joy in serving others and our Lord. Our many programs and events are carried out by parishioners just like you who invest their time, talent and treasure into the growing life of our parish family. Below are some broad categories yet not an exhaustive list.
Our team members provide food &/or offer their time to be sure that a grieving family can share a meal together as they remember & celebrate a loved one. Could you help by providing food or serve at meals provided for families following funerals? Those who serve are on 1 of 5 teams, taking turns with the meals. To get involved or learn more...
Contact: Parish Office at 812-477-8923.
Find opportunities to serve in our Religious Education for Children: Learn more
Youth Protection/Safe Environment training and background checks are required for all who serve with our children.
Contact: Carol Ann Gaddis
We have a variety of ways in which our parishioners can serve with our Middle School and High School youth ministries. Youth Protection/Safe Environment training and background checks are required for all who serve with our youth.
Contact: Charlene Fiedler
Church Cleaners
Serve on a team to help clean the church one time a month. Men & women both are welcome to help. It only takes about 1 hour after a Mass.
DUTIES: Vacuum main room of the church, cry rooms & around the altar (multiple vacuums provided), clean cry room windows, dust areas below the stained glass windows on the side aisles, dust around the altar area, organize papers/pens in the pews (if applicable) & dust pews (if time allows).
Contact: Christine Gilles
If you enjoy serving alongside others while doing simple tasks, especially if you prefer to be seated while serving, contact the Parish Office so we know to check with you when we're looking for assistance with stuffing inserts into bulletins, putting items into envelopes, preparing materials for events/meetings or a variety of other tasks.
Contact: Cindy Johnson
Our various ministries are coordinated by parishioners who serve on different Commissions that guide our parish life. See a list of our Commissions and their various areas: Learn more
If you'd like to serve on a commission, please contact the Parish Office to learn more about Commission member recruitment or send us a message online.
Environmental Sacristans
Those who serve on this team create the atmosphere of worship that inspires reverence, peace and spiritual connection appropriate for the liturgical season, incorporating altar cloths, religious symbols and imagery, plants, fresh flowers, and other meaningful and appropriate decor. Cleaning, tidying up and watering plants is also part of this role. Learn more
Contact: Sr. Mary Mundy
Club 55+
Each month, Club 55+ members donate different items to Nativity Food Pantry. Proceeds from the club's annual Rummage Sale has also supported the work of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. Contact: Visit the Club 55+ page.
Men's Club
Our Men's Club donates a percentage of their annual rib sales to the Nativity Food Pantry. They've also at times helped fulfill the needs of the parish and school in a variety of ways. Contact: Visit the Men's Club page.
If you have an interest in serving at our Masses as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Greeter, Server or Sacristan, please contact the Parish Office. We’ll happily contact you to follow up and bring you on board. Young or old—or in between—we need YOU! Learn More
Contact: Sr. Mary Mundy
Have a passion and talent for singing or playing an instrument?
Most members do not have a formal music background, but enjoy learning music, sharing their talents and praising God through song together in a faith-filled community. Reading music is not a requirement, but it is very helpful. Don’t be discouraged. Learn more
Contact: Nancy Mills
OCIA is a ministry of the whole parish and your prayers and support are essential to the process. Through your participation in the Liturgy and in the parish, you model a living faith for these men and women. We have other opportunities to serve as well, e.g. sponsors, facilitators/catechists, refreshments, prayer partners and childcare. Learn more
Contact: Carol Ann Gaddis
We host a variety of events throughout the year to provide fellowship, spiritual growth opportunities and/or raise funds for our parish and/or school.
These include annual, monthly and other events such as the
Rose Gala,
Top Hats & Tiaras,
Faith Day,
Ladies' Salad Supper,
Newcomers' Brunch (Spring & Fall),
Rose Tea,
Summer Social,
Back to School Bash & Backpack Blessing,
Senior Brunch,
Noche Mexicana,
Trunk or Treat,
Breakfast with St. Nicholas,
Fall in Love Again, Food & Fellowship Sundays and many, many others.
Contact: Start with our Events page or use the dropdown Menu above
Come and join the "sew" sisters and enjoy good conversation while quilting.
The group meets on Monday evenings and/or Tuesday mornings to work on a variety of quilts, especially those that become part of the Quilt Raffle at our annual Summer Social. They also do an Advent/Lenten project each year with extra materials through which they make quilts & blankets to give to Sleep in Heavenly Peace to accompany the beds that are built every second Saturday in our Annex, then delivered to children in our community.
Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Our Social Outreach Commission strives to identify and meet the social needs of our parish and the surrounding community.
Learn more about ways to get involved.
Contact: Deacon Chris Borowiecki
A variety of activities and tasks come together each year for our events such as the Rose Gala, Summer Social, the Catholic Ministries Appeal and any others that come along. Whether you'd like to do seated work (stuffing bulletins or envelopes), data entry (tracking/coordinating those who serve, donations or other roles/items), serve at a booth, cook, setup, cleanup, etc. Most likely, there's a means for you to use your time, talents or treasure to serve.
Contact: Christine Gilles
If you've not yet taken the step of becoming a member of our parish to serve alongside fellow parishioners, click the button to learn more.