Children's Revival

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Children's Revival

Children’s Revival of Participation at Sunday Mass Grant

Our parish has been chosen along with 12 other parishes to partner with the Children’s Revival of Participation at Sunday Mass initiative of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.

The Children’s Revival is a transformative initiative funded by Lilly Foundation, Inc. The partnership is set to enhance and increase children’s involvement in regular Sunday Masses. Our Children’s Revival core team has developed a plan to emphasize the importance of children’s active participation in worship in five specific areas. Our parish plan began being implemented at the start of Advent 2024.

If you feel called to this ministry, we encourage you to attend our Children’s Revival meetings. Watch the bulletin for regular announcements informing parents, grandparents, catechists, parishioners and others who serve about the project’s goals and strategies. This page provides an overview of our strategies.

Liturgy of the Word for Children

One of the first goals of the team working on the The Revival of Children’s Participation at Sunday Mass was the return of Liturgy of the Word for Children.

The Liturgy of the Word for Children is an opportunity for us to engage our younger children in the Scripture readings in an age-appropriate manner.

Basically, we’ll invite the children (ages 3-6) to process from the Church just before the start of the Liturgy of the Word. They’ll meet in the Nativity Chapel, where their guide will help them read and reflect on the Scriptures of the Mass. We’ll use a variety of methods to help our children connect the Gospel to their everyday life. Children will have the opportunity to share their prayers before returning to their families at the Offertory time.

The Liturgy of the Word for Children will be at the 9:00am Mass every week in English and on the 4th Sunday of the month at the 12:30pm Mass in Spanish. The Spanish program began in November, 2024, and the English is set to begin in early January, 2025.

A Parish Children's Choir

Music is a vibrant way for children to pray and to express their praise for God.

In December, 2024, our Director of Music, Nancy Mills, along with Kim Krutchen and Linda Sanchez, started practices with our new parish Children’s Choir. This group was formed to help our children engage in music as a ministry that serves our parish community.

In this ministry, the children will learn more than the words to the songs. They’ll also learn how we choose the music to enhance the Scriptures and focus of each Mass, as well as techniques of leading the congregation in music.

The Children’s Choir is open to ANY young person in Grades 3-6.

Practices are Mondays from 3:00–4:00pm.

They’ll sing once a month during Mass and at the Christmas Eve Mass.

CONTACT Nancy Mills if your child would like to join the choir or cannot attend an after-school practice (email or 812-477-8923 x 223).

The Children's Center

Outside each Cry Room, we’ve created a space for children (and parents) to find resources that will help engage children in the Mass.

n our search for resources, we’ve found items that we think will engage some of our YOUNGEST KIDDOS. You’ll find items like a Jesus doll, small books and lacing cards in the blue tote bags.

We have resources for children in K–GRADE 4 also, which include My First Interactive Mass Books and a children’s Missal where kids can find the readings for Mass. 

For FAMILIES, we have several resources that help you read and discuss the Sunday Scriptures before and after Mass. There’s even an chance to win a monthly prized in a drawing using Mass Transit Cards that are submitted.

Resources are available in English and Spanish.

All resources are intended FOR MASS USE ONLY and must be returned at the end of Mass. Items will be cleaned each week. 

Ministry Opportunities

The Revival of Children’s Participation at Sunday Mass grant is all about the engagement of children and their families in the Mass. We plan to have many opportunities to involve our young people in the Mass, still each project takes many hands to make them happen. 

Some Current Opportunities to Serve:
  • Children’s Center Support Team: Help straighten the centers after each Mass and be a part of the cleaning crew. We’d love to see parents and children helping to straighten the centers. Cleaning crews will be assigned one week a month. 
  • Children’s Choir: We currently have 30 children who have signed up for this ministry. More are welcome. 
  • Liturgy of the Word: We’re looking for leaders (adults & older high school youth) and helpers (7th grade–adults) for this ministry. Training and materials will be provided. Those who serve will be schedule once a month at the 9:00am Mass.
Sign Up to Serve
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