Youth Ministry

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    Middle School ENCOUNTER

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    High School EMPOWERED

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    Grupo Juvenil Yeshua (Spanish)


Youth Ministry

Our Vision

Our ministry with our middle school and high school youth is built upon

their religious education received through the parish, school and home.

We offer opportunities to help them to know who God is, experience  how much He loves them

and choose  to welcome Him in their daily lives always.

Our Mission

Our youth gatherings incorporate these elements:

  • SPIRITUAL - learning about God's truth and how it applies to our lives (prayers, scriptural discussions, adoration, Mass, retreats, etc.)
  • SOCIAL - experiencing fun activities with peers in a God-honoring environment (games, open gym, bowling, skating, local sports events, etc.)
  • SERVICE - using our gifts and resources to serve others (building/delivering beds for kids, visiting nursing homes, games at Trunk or Treat, Christmas caroling, making Thanksgiving meals, summer mission days, etc.)

Youth Ministry Events & Activities

Dates and times of Youth Ministry activities will be published in the bulletin, on the bulletin/magnetic boards in the back of church, the atrium & at school, on the parish Facebook page, via Flocknote emails/texts, through Youth Ministry Coordinator emails/texts, GroupMe and school/religious ed. communications.

Some important things to note: 
  • Young people can bring friends to any event.
  • We need adult help in all areas.
  • Find the diocesan waiver and other required forms below.


Please reach out to Charlene Fiedler: email or 812-477-8923 (inglés)

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Serving with Our Youth Ministry

  • Gather monthly as a team to share ideas & plan youth gatherings.
  • Facilitate discussions, games and/or activities.
  • Build relationships with our youth that help them grow closer to God.
  • Donate snacks and refreshments for youth gatherings.
  • Help through other opportunities that come along.


All youth ministry volunteers will participate in Youth Protection/Safe Environment training.

Background checks are required.


Contact Charlene Fiedler via email or through the parish office at 812-477-8923

Youth Development Events & Programs

We encourage our youth to be involved in workshops/conferences/retreats offered by the Diocese of Evansville and other ministries.
When funding is available, we can help cover the cost to attend such programs.
Examples: One Bread/One Cup (St. Meinrad),

Holy Fire (Nashville, TV) and Notre Dame Vision (South Bend).

Savio & Siena

The Vocations office of the Diocese of Evansville sponsors a monthly  opportunity for young men and young women to gather to pray, play, learn and eat--a chance to encourage each to discern God’s call in their lives. 

SIENA   - Open to girls  from Grades 6-12; Meets at St. John’s in Daylight from 2:00-4:00pm
SAVIO -   Open to guys  from Grades 8-12; Meets at Sacred Heart Church from 6:30-8:30pm 


Source + Summit

This Eucharist-centered youth retreat is held annually in Evansville.


  • 13-24 years (Youth Retreat)
  • over 24 years (Adult Retreat)



Facebook: @SourceSummitEvansville

IG: @source_summit_evansville

REGISRATION: Contact Charlene

Holy Fire

A middle school  event like no other!

Hosted by the Diocese of Nashville

Through talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments, Holy Fire helps young people feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ.

AGES: Middle School


REGISRATION:  Contact Charlene

Teens Encounter Christ

TEC is a 3-day retreat weekend of prayer, reflections/talks, discussions and activities based on the Paschal Mystery.

TEC weekends are filled with talks, group discussions, personal reflection, recreation and live music. Sharing, getting to know those around you and participation in activities are important aspects of the weekend.

HOW OFTEN: 3 weekends/year

WHERE: usually held at St. Mary’s Parish in Ireland, Indiana. Retreatants are housed with full access to washrooms and hot showers.

AGES: Grade 11 - College Age

Scholarships are available.

One Bread One Cup

This 5-day liturgical leadership conference emphasizes the Word, Sacrament and Mission of the Roman Catholic Church for high school youth groups and their campus and youth ministers.

Conferences focus on community building, leadership development, catechesis, liturgical and spiritual formation and theological reflection.

AGES: Completed Grades 9-12


Notre Dame Vision

This 5-day conference offers high school students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the tradition and campus life of Notre Dame as they learn from the witness of the saints and develop practices to live their faith.

Sharpen your spiritual vision to recognize God’s grace at work in your life and immerse yourself in the Notre Dame campus.

AGES: High School


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If you're looking for Family Events, go to

Required Diocesan Forms  & Policies

PLEASE NOTE: These links are to forms that are in PDF format and are directly from the Diocese of Evansville's website.

In most instances, PDFs must be downloaded to a computer to fill in and/or print out to fill in. They are not online forms.

Diocesan Event Waiver & Release

This form must be filled out for each year (July 1st - June 30th) a young person attends our youth ministry events. The Diocesan Event Waiver on this site is a fillable PDF (after downloaded). A signature on this form acknowledges that a parent/guardian agrees to follow all Diocesan policies. All questions should be directed to the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at 812-424-5536.

Diocesan Medical Information Form

This form provides necessary information to diocesan and parish staff and volunteers regarding a young person's health and safety. If a youth is healthy or on regular maintenance medication, one form may be used for an entire school/youth ministry year as long as there is no change in regimen. Any medications used to treat a particular, short-term illness should be listed on a Medical Information Form. Please note: The Diocesan Medical Information Form requires a parent/guardian to opt-out of allowing their child to receive typical over-the-counter medications should they become ill during an event.

Diocesan Code of Conduct for Youth & Adults

Informed by the moral teaching of the Catholic Church, certain over-arching rules of conduct must be followed by all participants, both youth and adults, at any diocesan event. The following Codes of Conduct are not exhaustive, and they may be changed and updated as the need arises. Please read these codes of conduct carefully before signing. 

Diocesan Use of Image/Media Recording Policy (Please read.)

In today's media-saturated world, it is nearly impossible to control whether or not pictures, videos, or other recordings are made at events attended by youth and young adults. It is important for parents/guardians to understand, however, how the Diocese of Evansville may make use of images or recordings of young people to promote our ministries. CLICK HERE to read the PDF document in English.

Transportation Policies, Permission Forms, and Best Practices

The safety of youth and young adults spans a variety of areas; among them is the way participants are transported to and from events. It is the policy of the Diocese of Evansville that commercial carriers should be utilized when practical; however, at times, other forms of transportation may be used. In extreme conditions, volunteers may be needed to transport young people to events: Such transportation is not part of the youth event; therefore, certain policies and standards must be followed (e.g., the minimum insurance requirements for privately-owned vehicles utilized, etc.). These practices should be observed for all youth and young adult events in the diocese.
In addition to the
Diocesan Transportation Policy, all parents/guardians whose children will be transported in privately-owned, volunteer-driven vehicles, are required to sign a Diocesan Driver Permission form allowing for this mode of transportation. Additionally, a volunteer driver must sign a copy of the Diocesan Driver Information Form and provide all pertinent information.

Other Diocesan Forms
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