Monday–Friday, June 16-20 – 8:30-11:30am
around the
Holy Rosary campus
AGES: children age 4 - completed 4th grade
$15.00 per child (maximum of $45/family)
VBS Music Digital Download - $6.00 additional
Your kids will be guided on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers and glistening glaciers.
As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today.
Pointing them toward Jesus, our VBS shows them that He is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
MANY roles are needed for
a successful and meaningful VBS.
Adults and middle school & high school youth
are encouraged to help us truly immerse kids in unforgettable life-changing faith formation.
Click the button to sign up: