Prayer Groups

Prayer Groups

Join with Others in Prayer

Below are some of our opportunities to pray together with others in person or behind the scenes.

Prayer Chain

Praying for One Another

Prayer Cards and a Prayer Cards box will be available on the credenza at the back of church year-round. If you have prayer requests, please fill out the front of the card and deposit it into the “Prayer Cards” Box. The Holy Rosary Prayer Chain Team will pray for your intentions. Requests will remain on the Prayer Chain for one month.


Please Consider: When placing someone else on the Prayer Chain, please obtain their permission when giving full names. All prayer requests are kept confidential to our prayer warriors.


If you would like to become part of the Prayer Chain ministry (praying for others), please fill out the back of the Prayer Card and drop it into the “Prayer Cards” Box. You will be contacted. Thank you for considering this important ministry. 

Contact: Deacon Chris 812-477-8923

Families in Touch

Weekly Praying for Our School Students & Families

This group is comprised of parents, relatives and parishioners with a heart for our children. Each Wednesday morning during the school year at 8:00am, the group visits classrooms to gather written prayers from students. The group meets in the Parish Hall to pray those student prayers aloud and to pray for the students, families teachers and school staff. New members are welcome.

Contact: Kim Engbers at or leave a message with the Parish Office: 812-477-8923

Zacchaeus Prayer Group (Spanish)

A night of praise, preaching and prayer

“Today salvation has come to your house.” - Luke 19:9

· Meet with our Lord.

· Grow in faith spiritually.

· Come, share our joy and gratitude.

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month (except December)

6:30 - 7:30pm in the Nativity Chapel at Holy Rosary

This group is primarily in Spanish.
Follow on Facebook.

Contact: Fr. Martin at 812-477-8923

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