We love to support and engage our Catholic families
Our family formation events will provide parents and children the opportunity to grow together in faith through prayer, worship, activities and service.
The opportunities below are in addition to already occurring Sacramental Preparation activities for the family. Most events will require an RSVP.
Dates and times will be published in the bulletin, on the parish Facebook page, via Flocknote emails/texts and school/religious ed. communication.
At our Family Faith Advent Day we have activity stations for families to explore Advent and ways that your family can make the season special in your homes. Families can choose to visit one or all of the stations.
Join us for Family Good Works & Service Day as we live out our faith through serving others.
More details to come!
At our Family Faith Lent Day, your family can explore activity stations to discover ways to make the season special in your home. Activities may include creating a Lenten Cross, Prayer Jar, planting bulbs and more.
Thanks to a grant from St. Meinrad, we are launching the Children's Revival of Participation at Sunday Mass with the aim of incorporating our children in various roles during Mass.
Join us for a magical evening of grace, laughter, and cherished moments (formerly Father Daughter Dance)
Gather for Mass followed by a blessing of backpacks, games, food & fellowship
Enjoy a fun afternoon for people of all ages as we celebrate All Hallows Eve or Halloween (a little early).
our annual celebration of the Feast of St. Nicholas with breakfast, crafts, a visit, photos & special story time with St. Nicholas
Join us for a magical evening of grace, laughter, and cherished moments (formerly Father Daughter Dance)
Gather for Mass followed by a blessing of backpacks, games, food & fellowship
Creating Opportunities to Build Supportive Relationships Rooted in a Common Faith
Listed below are drop-in programs. There is no commitment to participate each time they meet. No RSVP needed.
Dates and times will be published in the bulletin, on the parish Facebook page, via Flocknote emails/texts and school/religious ed. communication
A ministry for young children
(ages 0-5 years) and their parent/caregiver
A drop-in group for men
to come for coffee
& conversation.
A drop-in group for women
to come for a nice dessert
& conversation.
While your children play, parents can enjoy the opportunity to chat with new & old Holy Rosary families.
Dive deeper into your relationship with Jesus with the friends who will keep you accountable. Choose a book, Lenten practice, Bible Study or regular service opportunity and commit to working, praying and studying with a small group of 5-8 friends.
Join us whether you’ve watched all the episodes or it's your first. Deacon Mike Seibert leads us through a season of The Chosen and give us clues and questions to help us dive deeper into the story.
The season of Lent is an ideal opportunity to recognize the many crosses we bear in our lives and how our embrace leads to redemption. Hear from parishioners who share their journey through the crosses in their lives.
Discover opportunities to gather with others
to deepen your understanding of
various Lenten days,
practices and devotions.
Inspire one another
along your faith journeys
May you be drawn deeper
into the mystery of
Lent, Holy Week
and the Triduum
in anticipation of the joy
of the Resurrection.
We offer opportunities to strengthen your Christian Marriage and
to grow in your relationship with each other and the Lord.
Whether you participate in a short retreat or
enroll in our year-long program,
we're here to encourage you as you live out
the Sacrament of Marriage.
If you've landed on this page and are in the marriage preparation stage,
to learn about weddings at Holy Rosary, click the button below.
a ministry designed to enrich, protect, and grow your marriage
a relaxing dinner with learning about love & growing in your relationship
Our family & adult enrichment opportunities will provide some gathering events, online resources and retreat experiences on campus and/or in the diocese.
We offer such programs to help families to grow their faith, increase awareness of family-related topics and deepen their faith.
Our Hispanic Ministry offers this program to equip families to live a Christ-centered marriage and family, transforming good intentions into actions.
Through Movimento Familiar Cristina Católic 4-5 families form a faith group in which they meet and grow family faith together.
This is only offered in Spanish at this time.
Our families of all ages gather for a fun weekend of retreat with opportunities to seek God together while enjoying the outdoors & camping activities. Some families camp out on campus, while others return to their own homes each night.
Our Hispanic Ministry sets aside a special time to honor and celebrate the important role of mothers in families and society, as well as to thank them for their love and support.
The event is primarily in Spanish.
A special webpage on this site will include ways to explore the Mass, the seasons of the year, strategies for praying as a family and more. These will be curated items, meaning that we'll find the best of what is already online and link to it through our webpage.
OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE: We are looking for people to help us as curators as well as to assist with preparing descriptions and links to be added to the page. This team would work with our Director of Religious Education and Social Media Specialist.
Do you wish you really knew what social media outlets your kids are using?
Do you wish you knew what was safe for your kids?
The Faith Formation and Education Commission sponsors this
highly informative & interesting social media information session led by one of our parishioners and his college students when he's available.
When he's available, we enjoy hosting Steve for events on campus, such as parent retreats, sharing songs during Mass, one-night missions, etc.
Watch our bulletins, Facebook pages & Flocknote messages for info on events.