Becoming Catholic

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Becoming Catholic

What Is the OCIA (formerly RCIA)?

Every Holy Saturday, at the Easter Vigil Celebration, we welcome new members to the Catholic Church through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) (formerly Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA). 

• OCIA is a process of discernment and conversion surrounded by ritual celebrations.

• Through this process, those discerning membership come to know God in a new light.

• They grow in their understanding and appreciation for the teaching and guidance given by the Catholic Church.

• It is another step toward a deeper faith relationship with God. 

  • Who Can Be a Part of the OCIA?

    • Those who have NOT been baptized (over 7 years old) and seek to join the community of believers (Catechumens).
    • Those who HAVE been baptized in another Christian faith, but are seeking to join the Catholic Church (Candidates).
    • Those who HAVE been baptized in the Catholic faith, but who have no other religious formation (Candidates).
  • What Is the OCIA Process?

    The timeline for this process can be different for each participant based on personal need and religious experience.


    This stage is designed to provide initial information and the opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting. Sessions are scheduled as inquirers or seekers come forward and contact staff.


    This stage is for those who feel ready to move toward a more serious commitment. It begins with a ritual at Mass followed by weekly formation sessions on Sunday mornings. These Sundays include participation in Mass, reflection on Scripture and involvement in doctrinal sessions. Catechumens/Candidates are given a sponsor who will walk this journey with them, support them, nurture them and pray for them. The Sunday morning sessions meet through the first Sunday of Lent.


    This stage engages participants in a deeper spiritual commitment and begins the first Sunday of Lent and continue through the Easter Celebration. Catechumens/Candidates are presented to the Bishop as those with the intention to join the Catholic Church. The weeks leading up to Easter are a time for deeper prayer, reflection, examination and reconciliation. All the preparation culminates at the Easter Vigil where we baptize those seeking baptism and celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist with all the new members to the Catholic Church.


    Following the celebration of Sacraments, we continue to explore life in the Church and how to integrate those newly received into the community of faith. These Sunday morning sessions meet weekly from the Easter Celebration until the Sunday of Pentecost (50 days after Easter).

  • What Do I Do If I Want to become Catholic or Know Someone Who Does?

    1. COME and worship with us at Mass on the weekends. If it is a friend or family member that you know, please invite them to join you at Mass.
    2. CONTACT the Parish Office (812-477-8923) and set up an initial meeting. This visit is designed to help our staff understand your needs and questions.
    3. ATTEND Inquiry sessions. For a friend, consider coming with them to the sessions. Watch the bulletin for dates/times or ask the Parish Office.
  • I Am Catholic & Would Like to Serve with OCIA--What Can I Do?

    This ministry is a ministry of the whole parish and your prayers and support are essential to the process. Through your participation in the Liturgy and in the parish, you model a living faith for these men and women. By your welcoming spirit, you foster a sense of hospitality and acceptance.

    Other Opportunities for Serving in OCIA

    If you would like to be involved, please contact Carol Ann at or 812-477-8923 or use the links provided.


    Each Catechumen/Candidate will need a sponsor who will walk with them on this journey. Those who serve as sponsors must be active, practicing, confirmed Catholics in good standing with the Church. They attend the weekly sessions and support their Catechumen/Candidate throughout the week.


    • Provide Sunday morning breakfast. We invite parishioners, parish groups, Bible study groups or Cursillo groups to provide breakfast for those who are preparing to become Catholic from early October through April. SIGN UP: or contact Carol Ann at or 812-477-8923
    • Serve with our Easter Vigil Reception. Provide finger foods or serve through decorating, plating food and/or cleanup following the Mass.


    We continually look for prayer partners for each Catechumen/Candidate as well as for the catechetical team.


    Care of the children of those attending Inquiry or Sunday formation sessions. Those who serve with children must comply with the Youth Protection Policies of the Diocese of Evansville.


    Facilitate group formation sessions for adults or children who are preparing to become Catholic.

    SIGN UP: or contact Carol Ann at or 812-477-8923

    Sign Up to Facilitate
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