Our parishioners who are 55+ are invited to join us for our revamped seniors’ club, now known as Club 55+.
Regular meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesdays of each month at 10:00am in the Parish Hall unless otherwise announced.
Other activities include trips, tours, fun activities, speakers on topics related to 55+, community service, cards & games, annual rummage sale, fellowship and more!
New members are welcome!
Jim Heck
Dana Curtis
Marilyn Doyle
Janet Davis
Call Becky Smither 812-456-1165
for transportation to the meetings.
Ways in which members support ministries on our campus that help others in need
Each month, Club 55+ members donate items to Nativity Food Pantry.
We try to help with several of their most needed supplies, making a greater impact from our group by combining our gifts monthly.
Proceeds from our annual Rummage Sale are donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, which uses our Annex on the 2nd Saturday of each month where volunteers build beds and deliver them with bedding to children in our area, so that "no kid sleeps on the floor in our town!" Watch our bulletin, Facebook pages and bulletin boards for Rummage Sale details in the Spring.