Holy Rosary provides opportunities for children, youth and adults to know, love and serve God
while we're on our faith community's pilgrim journey to the kingdom of heaven as we each grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.
Together we seek "To constantly thank God in prayer and worship." (Our Mission Statement)
When we come together in the liturgical assembly to celebrate the Mass, or any other sacrament, our members do not gather simply as a crowd or an unstructured group of people. Through our Baptism, our participation in the liturgy is our right and duty. We gather in a variety of ministries and roles.
In addition to the ordained ministries (bishop, priest and deacon) there are roles in the liturgy which are exercised by lay people who place their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly. Others contribute their time and talent to planning, organizing for the liturgy through behind the scenes tasks. (adapted from the USCCB)
A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person who assists the priest in distributing the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacrament to those who are ill or otherwise unable to attend the Church service.
Catholics who are baptized, confirmed and in good standing with the Church may serve in this capacity. Training is required and persons are then commissioned by the local Bishop for this role.
The Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is a service in which a lay or religious person assists the priest or deacon in distributing the consecrated bread and wine during Mass. It is performed in extraordinary situations, such as when there is no priest or deacon, or when there are many faithful receiving the Eucharist. Those interested receive training by one of the deacons of our parish.
A Lector is a person who proclaims the first or second readings from scripture at Mass. They may also lead the congregation in the Prayers of the Faithful if a deacon is not present.
Lectors must be properly trained for their ministry. Preparation is spiritual, scriptural and practical. Periodic workshops and/or individual development are scheduled.
The ministry of Lectors (or proclaimers of the Word) is a service to the Church that consists of proclaiming the Word of God in liturgical celebrations.
Lectors and proclaimers are Catholics who are committed to making the Word of God come alive in the hearts of the faithful.
Interested parties receive training prior to serving.
The role of the Usher is one of offering presence to those coming to worship, providing leadership during emergencies, taking up the collection, assisting parishioners/guests during Communion and distributing church bulletins.
There is training for this ministry.
The hospitality and Usher ministry in our parish is responsible for welcoming the faithful and visitors to the community and creating a friendly environment that allows them to feel welcomed and part of the congregation. They are inspired by the example of Jesus to serve others with love.
Interested parties receive training prior to serving.
Altar Servers are children and adults who assist the priest at the altar during Mass. (Children who serve are both boys and girls, usually in fourth grade and older.) They are trained for this ministry and will initially serve with those who have more serving experience. Adult Servers are also trained for assisting at funeral Masses.
Altar Servers are children and young people in the Catholic Church to assist the priest in the celebration of Mass and other liturgies. Training is provided for youth who are led to serve in this role.
The Music Ministry involves roles that share the gospel of Jesus Christ through music and song and include Cantors, Instrumentalists and Choir Members. Their objective is to encourage believers in their walk with Christ.
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Sacristans set up for Mass and also do follow-up after Mass. This includes having chalice, cruets, ciboria, wine cups and linens, sufficient hosts and wine ready for the Mass. A sacristan also recruits gift bearers. They are responsible for cleaning up after services.
Depending on with what Mass a sacristan is assisting, they may also need to unlock and lock the church building, set up for a baptism and check with the priest presider about other specific needs for that Mass.
Sacristans are trained for this ministry.
The Sacristan is responsible for preparing all the necessary elements for each liturgical celebration before the Mass and also following up after the Mass. Sacristans are trained for this ministry.
Environmental Sacristans create the atmosphere of worship that inspires reverence, peace and spiritual connection appropriate for the liturgical season. They incorporate altar cloths, religious symbols and imagery, plants, fresh flowers and other meaningful decor appropriate for the liturgical season or Mass of the day. The decor is adapted for special occasions and is meant to enhance, not overshadow, the worship space.
They also clean and fill holy water bowls, water plants in church and in the Atrium and see that the sanctuary and sacristy are tidy.
It's essential that environmental sacristans are well trained. Supervision is done by a person on the parish staff.
If you're interested in serving in one of the roles mentioned above, we'd love to have a conversation with you. Please reach out to our contact noted below, so we can schedule a time to meet.
Contact: Sr. Mary - email or 812-477-8923 (English)
Sandra - email or 812-567-2525 (Spanish)