Catholic Ministries Appeal

Catholic Ministries Appeal

Diocese Of Evansville Catholic Ministries Appeal 2024-2025

Impact Report

"Our ministries, both at the diocesan and parish levels, look to further provide and implement opportunities for all people to encounter the love of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist--to be healed, converted, formed and sent forth on mission for the faith.

"This missionary impetus is the theme of this year's report. In it, you will read stories about people in our Diocese who, with God's grace, have responded in a significant way to Jesus' invitation to follow Him in works of witness and service...

"I am proud of the great work that we do as the Diocese of Evansville as prompted by the Hoy Spirit. We continue Christ's mission and build up the Kingdom of God in our communities. We are only able to continue this great work in His name by your holy witness and sustaining efforts of support." -- Bishop Siegel

View the 2023 The Diocese of Evansville Impact Report (scroll to bottom of the linked webpage): CLICK HERE

A Guide to Giving in Stewardship

God calls us to be generous with all of our gifts, including our treasure. Our faith teaches us this through the Scriptures:
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits …” (Proverbs 3:9)
“How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” (Psalm 116:12)
In gratitude, we are called to give to God from our first fruits. That means creating a plan for giving to His Church. Throwing a last-minute donation into the collection basket time and again only leaves us frustrated. Having a plan, we can better do our part to share the gifts that God has given us.

Download My Catholic Giving Guide (PDF)

“Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully.
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
”— 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Pledge or Give Online

CLICK THE BUTTON to go to the diocesan page for online pledges & giving.

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